Read Me

Wells is a portfolio template that’s simple, bold, and beautiful. Wells is popular with artists, photographers, and businesses that value good, clean design that puts their work front and center.

Site Wide Options

Site Background - choose the color used in the site background.

Outer Padding - sets the amount of space along the outside edge of the whole site.

Headings - controls the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of headings.

Headings Size - sets the size of the font for headings.

Headings Color - choose the color used on all headings.

Text - controls the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of body text. 

Text Size - sets the size of the font for body text.

Body Text Color - choose the color used on all body text.

Body Link Color - choose the color used on all body text links.

Body Link (Hover) Color - choose the color used on all body text links when hovered.

Quote - sets the size of the font for block quote text.

Quote Size - sets the size of the font for block quote text.

Sidebar Options

Sidebar Text Alignment - determines the text alignment within the site sidebar.

Sidebar Width - set the width of the site sidebar.

Sidebar Padding - control the amount of space between the sidebar and the page content.

Sidebar Position - choose the position of the site sidebar.

Sidebar Fixed - enable a fixed sidebar that will stay put while the site is scrolled. 

Site Title / Logo Options

Site Title - control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of the site title.

Site Title Size - set the size of the font for the site title.

Site Title Color - choose the color used on site title.

Mobile Site Title - control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing for the site title on mobile devices.

Mobile Site Title Size - set the size of the font for the site title on mobile devices.


Site Navigation Options